Tuesday, October 21, 2014

GmailSearchBuilder - A Google Apps Script Library


I recently wanted to write a simple Google Apps Script for automatically delete old email messages (threads). The reason was a lot of email threads that started to accumulate, which are not important enough for me to keep.

There are solutions out there. All those I had seen are based on assigning a label to the messages to be deleted (e.g. "DELETE ME"). Some are quite naive - iterating over all the threads returned from the GmailLabel object, which is not the best way to go, the performance of this solution is poor. The better solutions use GmailApp.search method with a query such as "label:delete-me older_than:30d" to fetch the threads with the "DELETE ME" label which are older than 30 days. (Good post: Create time-based Gmail filters with Google Apps Script)

Also, you need to assign the label for that to work. Manual assignment is tedious. Of course it can be solved by filters which assign this label automatically. But what if you want to assign other labels, and the "DELETE ME" label is only the secondary label to assign? (e.g. when you filter messages into different labels, but all of them can be deleted after a while). This can also be done by a scheduled job which assigns the "DELETE ME" label to all messages with other specified labels (which are not yet marked for deletion). This can be done similarly using the search query "label:my-other-label -label:delete-me".

After writing those queries, and trying to figure out how to deal with some issues, like what to do with spaces in the label name (one solution- replace all spaces with '-'), I decided to implement a service for building search queries. The goal of this service is to solve for you those questions (another one for example: how to format dates), while letting you all the flexibility of the query syntax.

The Query Builder

Well, it's quite simple. The idea was to have a fluent API using method chaining. The builder needs to give flexibility similar to writing hard-coded query strings, with simplicity and to handle for the developer the tedious technical stuff. Since it's a builder, it can be used for building queries dynamically in run-time. The builder also lets you call the search directly on the builder itself as a syntactic sugar.

Some examples
var GSB = GmailSearchBuilder;

1- Building and running a simple query
var query = GSB.newQuery().label("My Other Label").exclude().label("DELETE ME").build();
var threads = GmailApp.search(query);
//The query: label:my-other-label -label:delete-me

2- Building and running directly from the builder
var threads = GSB.newQuery().label("DELETE ME").olderThan(30,DateType.DAY).search();
//The query: label:delete-me older_than:30d

3- Building a query with a sub-query (group)
var threads = GSB.newQuery().subQuery(GSB.newQuery().label("My Label 1").or().label("My Label 2")).exclude().label("DELETE ME").search();
//The query: (label:my-label-1 OR label:my-label-2) -label:delete-me

3- Search for threads between dates
var threads = GSB.newQuery().from("john@acme.com").before(new Date(2014,11,31)).after(new Date(2014,0,1)).larger(1,SizeType.MB).search();
//The query: from:john@acme.com before:2014/12/31 after:2014/01/01 larger:1048576

The source code is available in GitHub:

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